Most Popular Property Prices in Australia for 2017:
Here is the list of the most popular calculations of stamp duty in Australia for 2017. This includes all options selected. However the most used option to calculate stamp duty is Primary Residence, Non-First Home Buyer, An Established Home.
We receive over 500,000 stamp duty calculations per month. That's over 6 million calculations per year! Note: One person usually performs several stamp duty calculations, still this data shows the range of most popular property values for particular state.
Here we provide statistics for all type of properties and all type of buyers.
1. $500,000 (8.04%)
2. $400,000 (5.01%)
3. $600,000 (4.89%)
4. $1,000,000 (3.85%)
5. $450,000 (3.17%)
6. $550,000 (2.97%)
7. $350,000 (2.71%)
8. $300,000 (2.67%)
9. $700,000 (2.66%)
10. $650,000 (2.63%)
1. $650,000 (3.98%)
2. $600,000 (3.73%)
3. $500,000 (3.44%)
4. $700,000 (3.38%)
5. $1,000,000 (3.07%)
6. $800,000 (2.97%)
7. $750,000 (2.94%)
8. $550,000 (2.16%)
9. $400,000 (1.99%)
10. $450,000 (1.72%)
1. $500,000 (9.12%)
2. $400,000 (5.20%)
3. $1,000,000 (4.78%)
4. $600,000 (4.65%)
5. $300,000 (3.89%)
6. $450,000 (3.32%)
7. $350,000 (3.02%)
8. $550,000 (2.92%)
9. $650,000 (2.43%)
10. $800,000 (2.34%)
1. $500,000 (5.85%)
2. $400,000(3.57%)
3. $600,000 (3.48%)
4. $550,000 (2.97%)
5. $450,000(2.83%)
6. $350,000 (2.33%)
7. $300,000 (2.24%)
8. $650,000 (2.06%)
9. $700,000 (2.05%)
10. $1,000,000 (1.80%)
1. $500,000 (6.04%)
2. $400,000 (5.07%)
3. $300,000 (3.75%)
4. $350,000 (3.40%)
5. $600,000 (3.32%)
6. $450,000 (3.20%)
7. $1,000,000 (2.40%)
8. $550,000 (2.14%)
9. $250,000 (2.07%)
10. $700,000 (1.81%)
1. $500,000 (6.33%)
2. $400,000 (5.05%)
3. $300,000 (4.22%)
4. $350,000 (3.71%)
5. $600,000 (3.40%)
6. $1,000,000 (3.31%)
7. $450,000 (2.60%)
8. $250,000 (2.47%)
9. $200,000 (2.27%)
10. $550,000 (2.04%)
1. $600,000 (5.53%)
2. $500,000 (4.76%)
3. $400,000 (3.16%)
4. $700,000 (2.84%)
5. $650,000 (2.75%)
6. $450,000 (2.58%)
7. $1,000,000 (2.50%)
8. $550,000 (2.32%)
9. $800,000 (2.21%)
10. $750,000 (2.11%)
1. $500,000 (6.43%)
2. $400,000 (4.41%)
3. $450,000 (4.26%)
4. $600,000 (3.30%)
5. $550,000 (2.76%)
6. $300,000 (2.42%)
7. $350,000 (2.41%)
8. $430,000 (2.24%)
9. $700,000 (2.16%)
10. $1,000,000 (2.00%)
As we can see, people predominantly enter $500,000 as their first price choice. However the mean price of residential dwellings in Australia is $679,100 according to ABS. Here comes the affordability issue...